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3-MeO-PCP reaction with Marquis and Froehde reagents

Some more new reagent results with photos – 3-MeO-PCP is an interesting one here, the reaction is very slow compared to many other chemicals. It causes the marquis reagent to go a pleasant royal blue colour over the course of 1-2 minutes. The froehde reagent is less pronounced, but after it finishes fizzing it takes about the same time to turn to a pale orange colour. This sample is unverified and does not match other tester’s reactions so may be contaminated with an impurity.

Images below are taken at 15 seconds and 2 minutes.

P1370777 P1370779


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U-47700 reaction with Marquis and Froehde reagent

U-47700 is a novel synthetic opioid, one of a very small number of non-fentanyl-derived opioids on the market. Testing with the marquis and froehde reagents both gave fizzing with no colour change on a sample of U-47700. You can see the rather uninteresting images below:

P1370766 P1370764


Note that the marquis reagent is off-clear but this does not represent a change from its starting colour.

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Mandelin reagent soon to be added

We’re excited to finally be adding the Mandelin reagent to our stock. This is a crucial reagent for the detection of dangerous PMA and PMMA substituting MDA and MDMA. The two are not commonly mixed but PM(M)A is not detected by the Marquis reagent so this can lead to a false sense of security with Marquis but with the Mandelin reagent a reddish brown reaction is given.

The Mandelin reagent can also be used to identify ketamine and cocaine, which give deep orange/red and deep orange/yellow reactions respectively.

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1P-LSD reaction with the ehrlich reagent

EDIT: We have had a few reports and confirmed ourselves that the reaction can be extremely slow, even to the point that it looks like it’s not going to react. So it seems like the ehrlich reagent may actually be detecting traces of unreacted precursor. If none is present then we must wait for a very slow hydrolysis to give a reactive species. Tread carefully!

1P-LSD is an extremely novel lysergamide with no existing literature. It is a potent psychedelic with effects and dosage similar to that of LSD.20150404_150226

Though it contains an indole moiety it is unusually substituted at the nitrogen of the indole and as a result questions have been raised about its ability to form a chromophore when reacted with the ehrlich reagent which occurs at the carbon adjacent to the indole nitrogen (C-2).

Testing of 1P-LSD using the improved ehrlich reagent gave a slow reaction to light purple. In the photo to the right this can be seen alongside a comparison to tryptamine, which displays a more intense colour change.

In conclusion, it is possible to verify the absence of 1P-LSD using the ehrlich reagent. A non-reaction indicates that 1P-LSD is not present.

Results obtained with ehrlich reagent which is not fresh may differ significantly.